
SpeedwatchSpeedwatch is a program that the Collingwood CPC does in partnership with the VPD and ICBC. The programs helps to remind drivers of the speed limit in the city and to slow down. A Speedwatch setup consists of Volunteers setting up an electronic radar and display board which shows the speeds of the oncoming vehicles. Our Volunteers set up on a weekly basis in high speed areas, school zones and park areas. They record the speeds of the vehicles and are forwarded to ICBC and the Vancouver Police Department if further enforcement is needed.

Our CPC frequently teams up with ICBC and the Vancouver Police Department to set up a “2 Strike Speedwatch” session. During this session, our volunteers setup a speedwatch setup at an initial location as a warning station to slow down. The VPD traffic squad will be further ahead with their own radar to pull over and issue tickets to those who have continued to speed after the initial setup.IMGP0286